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Burke & Hare at Danderhall

Burke & Hare at Danderhall

Pupils from P5, P6 and P7 at Danderhall put on a phenomenal performance telling the gruesome tale of Burke & Hare. The classes have been working with Charades Theatre group and have spent weeks rehearsing getting ready for their big moment. The pupils did a fantastic job and there were rave reviews from pupils, parents and staff. One day Danderhall, the next Hollywood! Huge congratulations to all the staff and pupils involved.
























Paradykes Primary School boys football team were celebrating in Glasgow on Wednesday 30th May, as they produced a brilliant display to win the Primary Schools Scottish Cup.  More than 500 teams entered the tournament from all over the country and after qualifying rounds which started in October, 8 teams made it to the final. After winning their group by beating teams from Greenock, Peterhead and Kilmarnock, Paradykes completed their amazing win by beating Heathfield Primary (from Prestwick) 4.1 in the final.
They produced a brilliant brand of attacking football and blew away their opposition to deservedly bring their winners medals back to Loanhead. It was a wonderful day out for their supporters too as mums, dads and grandparents enjoyed the occasion, as well as the Paradykes girls team, who cheered on the boys.
How can Students develop a Growth Mindset?…..Outdoor Learning of course!

How can Students develop a Growth Mindset?…..Outdoor Learning of course!

It’s normal for the Team at the Outdoor Learning Service to be asked to develop a bespoke programme  to suit a specific student group to help address their needs. Such a request was made by Beeslack Community High School three years ago. A progressive programme of outdoor learning was required that would be student centred and challenge Zone groups from S1, S2 and S3.

The programme put in place was local and cost effective. In S1 the students complete day based activities; Beach walk, Bush craft skills, Canoeing. As the students progressed to S2 the programme was more challenging; a campcraft training day and a self lead expedition in the Pentland Hills (an amazing achievement considering some students had never slept in a tent before). In S3 the programme culminated in a week long multi-activity programme including; Canoeing, Biking and Coasteering. This year was the first year a group of students had participated right through from S1 to S3.

From the outset the main aims of the programme included;  developing confidence, increasing attendance, improving resilience and promoting life skills/independent living. As the students progressed through the three year programme there was anecdotal evidence to suggest that the main aims were being achieved. In school – greater engagement, better attendance,  less exclusion. In the outdoors, on activities – students pushing themselves physically, mentally – working hard caring and cooking for themselves on the residential.

In addition to the main aims – it was apparent the programme resulted in other significant valuable outcomes. Unlike the classroom setting – the flexibility of teaching in the outdoors enabled us to offer students the opportunity to have holistic enriched experiences. The students could learn at their own pace and opt for ‘challenge by choice’ where they set the level they participated at. The progressive nature of the programme ensured students acquired a mastery of skills and became highly proficient – giving them a great sense of achievement.

Repeatedly, students could be seen moving from a fixed to growth mindset. BCHS and Outdoor Learning staff worked hard to gain trust with the students to allow them to take perceived risks and reframe their fears of failure. Relationship building was a key feature, and took place in the school, the store, the mini-bus and right up to – reassuring, confidence building conversations on the edge of sea outcrops before submersion! The instant feedback often lead to a greater desire to learn and embrace further challenges. In some cases setbacks would take place, but through further discussion, persistence and resilience participation would continue and personal achievements where celebrated and embraced.

Working with such groups addressing some of the issues highlighted above, will inevitability raise attainment, but it requires programmes to take place over a number of years and to be central to other school based learning. When it comes to raising attainment the Outdoor Learning Service is multi-dimensional across all school stages in the authority – for more information follow this link.

In reflection, this programme is an example of great partnership work and highlights one of the many valuable learning strategies that the Outdoor Learning Service provides. It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to work with Beeslack Community High School over the last three years.

Roslin Signalong Movie

Roslin Signalong Movie

This year primary 4 at Roslin Primary School have spent time learning how to use Signalong as a form of communication.
The pupils had a lot of say in what signs they learnt thinking about what would be useful for them day to day in the classroom.
In the beginning the pupils found learning signs that went along with a song easier and so they started with the colours of the rainbow.
As their signing knowledge increased the pupils wanted to do something more with what they knew and that is where the idea came from to make something that other children could watch and learn from.
Working in groups with a different category of signs each the pupils set off to make their I-Movie, making sure they were explain how to do the sign as well as demonstrating the sign clearly.