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Clickable Periodic Table

Clickable Periodic Table

To help provide a refresher and a study aid of sorts, TED-Ed collaborated with Brady Haran, best known for his YouTube channel Numberphile and his extensive video coverage of the periodic table, to create a clickable periodic table with videos on every element.  Click here to access this fantastic resource.

From Concrete 2 Cookers

From Concrete 2 Cookers

fromconcrete2cookers is an exciting and timely game which encourages children to explore their school environment and spot ways of reducing the school’s carbon emissions. The players will make decisions based on knowledge gained in the course of the game and their available budget, which increases as they answer questions correctly.   The game is aimed at CfE levels 2 and 3, helps address experiences and outcomes in Science, Technologies and Social Studies, and was developed in conjunction with Heriot Watt University and Edinburgh schools.    Click here to find out more.