Technical: 0131 271 3030 Seemis: 0131 561 6584

During November the Midlothian Council Outdoor Learning team led another successful series of Discover orienteering sessions (formerly know as “come and try orienteering”).   These sessions took place in Ironmills and Penicuik Parks where almost300 pupils in primary 5 and 6 participated from St Davids, Kings Park, Cuiken, Strathesk and Mauricewood schools.


During the sessions the pupils and staff learned transferable orienteering skills such as setting the map, feature identification, scale and route planning.  The learners all used our sport ident computerised system to complete 6 different orienteering courses which helped to increase their knowledge and application of new technologies.

The results of the November discover orienteering series and information on future events are now available HERE.
During the events we had a chance to talk to lots of  pupils, staff and volunteers and many were very keen to learn more about this fun and challenging sport.  There are a few things you could do to develop your skills further –

(1) Access the free resource called “tri-O” published by British Orienteering which anyone can use to develop orienteering skills.

( 2) In addition to this our Outdoor Learning team regularly go into schools to support the curriculum through orienteering, so if you work in a school please get in touch if you wish to benefit from this curriculum support.

(3) Join a local club such as Edinburgh Southern orienteering club (ESOC).

(4) Take part in the Mid/East orienteering festival on the 4th of May 2016 at Vogrie Country park. Book via your school.
We would like to thank all the pupils for taking part in an enthusiastic and energetic way. Many thanks equally to the school staff and parent volunteers for helping to make our events such a great success. Finally a special thank you to the members of ESOC who gave up their time to share their expertise. All much appreciated by the teachers in outdoor learning team.