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MouseThe SCHOLAR Forum provides high quality web-based courses and a ‘ virtual college’ support network. Designed to improve student choice and flexibility, it helps students progress between school, college and university.

Heriot-Watt University is a world leader in creating a supportive e-learning environment that helps students to learn at the times and in the ways they choose. Drawing on its special expertise in interactive and distance learning, SCHOLAR materials have been specially written by subject specialists from schools, colleges and the university.  They bring together the best of innovative learning with tried-and-tested educational approaches.

Heriot-Watt University has an internationally renowned expertise in distance learning and computer-supported open learning. With pioneering work in science, engineering, management and languages, we educate the industrialists, professionals and thinkers of tomorrow.  Providing students with up-to-date knowledge and skills that prepare them for successful and rewarding careers is at the core of our mission, and is the reason our graduates are in such demand.

SCHOLAR is a programme of Heriot-Watt University

Web Links:
Scholar Programme