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Primary 5 at St Mary’s has been traveling around Europe during their topic of Journeys this summer term. No they’ve not gone off on a huge trip, but instead have been taking advantage of the Skype in the classroom opportunities provided through Glow and the Microsoft Educator Community. During their topic they have traveled over 3500 miles and visited Luxembourg, Venice and Nice. The class participated in a game of Mystery Skype, where both classes play a version of 20 questions, trying to be the first to find where the other class is located.
This topic was not the only time they had tried out Mystery Skype, as they have also traveled all the way to the United States to New York, and helped the Primary 7’s go off to Florida on a (virtual) field trip, and have also had special visitors ‘come in’ to the class to talk about what it’s like being a real author.
If any schools are interested in taking part, please contact